Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder' (Dogwood)

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Small, upright-growing tree with tiered, semi-weeping branches. Large, flat, lime-green flowers age to white. Small, red fruit in autumn until eaten by birds. Flowers well in warmer regions. Stunning autumn leaves of burnt-orange and scarlet. Excellent street tree. Ideal smaller shade tree.

Height = 4m Width = 3m

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Small, upright-growing tree with tiered, semi-weeping branches. Large, flat, lime-green flowers age to white. Small, red fruit in autumn until eaten by birds. Flowers well in warmer regions. Stunning autumn leaves of burnt-orange and scarlet. Excellent street tree. Ideal smaller shade tree.

Height = 4m Width = 3m

Small, upright-growing tree with tiered, semi-weeping branches. Large, flat, lime-green flowers age to white. Small, red fruit in autumn until eaten by birds. Flowers well in warmer regions. Stunning autumn leaves of burnt-orange and scarlet. Excellent street tree. Ideal smaller shade tree.

Height = 4m Width = 3m

Magnolia denudata
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