Gaura 'Pink Bouquet'


Also known as whirling butterflies! This pretty perennial has graceful pink flowers that dance in the breeze above a dark red/green foliage. Flowers from early spring right through until late summer. Perfect for adding pink accents and delicate texture to small space gardens or containers. Can get to 1.2m high.

Works well in a summer dry garden.

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Also known as whirling butterflies! This pretty perennial has graceful pink flowers that dance in the breeze above a dark red/green foliage. Flowers from early spring right through until late summer. Perfect for adding pink accents and delicate texture to small space gardens or containers. Can get to 1.2m high.

Works well in a summer dry garden.

Also known as whirling butterflies! This pretty perennial has graceful pink flowers that dance in the breeze above a dark red/green foliage. Flowers from early spring right through until late summer. Perfect for adding pink accents and delicate texture to small space gardens or containers. Can get to 1.2m high.

Works well in a summer dry garden.

Armeria 'Pink Petite'
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Saxifraga 'White'
Salvia 'New Dimension Rose'
Eriogonum fasciculatum
Armeria 'Deep Rose'
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