What blueberry should I buy?
Don’t be afraid to start on your Blueberry growing mission. Here are some tips and tricks to getting the very best crops…yum yum!
What is a Rabbiteye Blueberry?
Rabbiteye varieties will not tolerate very hard frosts (below -5C) and more than one variety is necessary for successful cropping. These guys are less fussy about soil type.
We grow:
Blueberry Powder Blue - crops late January to mid-March
Blueberry Rahi - crops February
Blueberry Tifblue - crops January
What is a Highbush Blueberry?
Highbush varieties are tolerant of low temperatures and are deciduous (loose their leaves in winter). Cross-pollination is not vital but it will help to improve fruit size and yeild. They generally ripen earlier than Rabbiteyes.
We grow:
Blueberry Duke - crops November to December
Blueberry Legacy - crops January
Blueberry O’Neal - crops December
Blueberry Reka - crops November to December
Where should I plant my Blueberry?
Blueberries like to be positioned in full sun in well drained soil. if necessary, raise the planting bed up to help improve the drainage.
How tall will my Blueberry plants grow?
Blueberries generally grow to around 1.8m high. They are thornless and generally dont suffer from pests or disease whcih means that no spraying is necessary.
What soil do blueberries like to grow in?
Blueberries like an organic rich soil and prefer an ‘acidic soil’. you can add peat and pine needles to help make the soil acidic. Mulching helps enormously with moisture retention and helps to improve the organic matter.
Watering tips for Blueberries
Keep well-watered particularly during the fruiting season. Remember blueberries liek a well-drained site so they do not like to be sitting in water. If this is the case it is best to raise the planting bed to help improve the drainage.