Hurunui garden Festival and CJs Plants
When is the Hurunui Garden Festival 2024?
It runs from Thursday October 31 - Sunday November 3rd 2024.
Where can we find you?
We are returning to the Blue House - Amberley for 2024!!! We had so much fun last year (even with the weather) and we behaved enough that Jenny and Chris have invited us back! Come down to 35 Willowside Place in Amberley, say hello and check out the amazing garden!!
What time will you be there?
Plants will be available to purchase between 9am and 5pm over the 4 days of the Garden Festival.
Don’t forget CJ’s is open every week Friday, Saturday and Sunday 9am - 4pm so if you cant make it to the Garden Festival come and visit our unique Drive Thru Plant Farm!
What plants will you have for sale?
We are going to have a small range of plants some of which Jenny has planted in her garden so are drought hardy and others are just some favourites.
Some of what we will have are;
Hostas, Salvia, Deschampsia, Lewisia, Saxifraga, Penstemons, Armeria, Verbena, Baptisia, Pulsatilla, Gaura, Phlomis, Myscanthus, Calamagrostis and Sisyrinchium.